Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Another year here in Lesotho and lots to be thankful for.

This year I spent Thanksgiving at KJ's site. Our gala holiday started with launching water balloons at volunteers who had just crossed the river and were hiking up the mountain. Julie brought in a turkey from neighboring village spending many hours hiking and transporting the live bird. Early in the morning on Thanksgiving day Julie lopped the head off the turkey and we spent an hours plucking all the feathers.

Some people started drinking a little early so when we played a game of real american football (not soccer - which is called football here) it was a crazy scene, but so hilarious. The American football game was definetly a highlight for us and the entire village who came out to see what the heck we were doing throwing around a "pumpkin". They thought it was awesome and the game was quite the "show" half of us had no idea what was going on because of cheap whiskey or had no idea what the rules were or both. Every person "on the field" was bleeding or bruised or covered in red dirt somewhere on their bodies by the time we finished the game. It was hysterical! We finished the day off with a huge Thanksgiving dinner. The lijo (food) was amazing, it was with most of my favorite people here in Lesotho.
Bringing "Turks" to his final home after a long hike and transport
Plucking dinner... way more work than buying it at the store!

After a hilarious game of football

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