Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In a "Forgotten Corner of the World"

...to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand. ~ Barack Obama

On the early morning of November 5th (it was Nov 4 evening in America), I was huddled in my grass hut in Lesotho wrapped in a fleece blanket listening to history take place in America and across the world. I had my shortwave radio sitting on the end of my bed, and listening to the the last of the votes coming in on the West Coast. The Static live broadcast of the elections came through on of the Voice of America as the sun started to rise here in the Southern Hemisphere. I can't fully explain how I felt when they announced Barack Obama as my next President and then when Obama gave his amazing speech. I had tears streaming down my face and felt a sense of relief and a sense of hope especially on the global scale. It was something I felt in my village as soon as the message got out. Here in Lesotho everyone is excited and hopeful, waiting to see where America goes from here and believing that anything is possible in this world.


david santos said...

Excellent work!!!
Have a nice Day!!!!

Keli said...

Hi Pamela! I just read this post and the last 5 you posted and had quite a few laughs in regards to "africa time" and felt the same emotion as you did regarding the Obama win. It's Dec. 5th and we leave Kenya in 3 days and I can't describe what a wonderful trip this has been. I know now so much more of what your life is like and how things move here in Africa. I can't wait till you come back and we can share about Africa. I miss you!