Sunday, February 22, 2009

Presidential Inaguration

I was really anticipating the presidential inaguration and was hoping to listen to it live on BBC. Much to my suprise Jack (replaced James) talked to the woman at the clinic in St. Theresa and discovered they had a satellite dish. On Inaguration night we watched Obama get sworn in in a village in Africa thanks to nuns, a satellite dish and car batteries. It was really awesome! I walked over to St.Theresa early and sat at the secondary school making signs with the teachers and Jack. We made popcorn to share with the nuns and anxiously watched TV by candlelight when the inaguration started. The Bo-Me women -nuns, the priest and school teachers were very vocal speaking in Sesotho and English - asking questions about the president, his wife, the guests, the clothing of the Americans in the crowd and more. It was fun to answer their questions and share a piece of our culture on such a historic day.

After watching the inaguration we walked back to Jacks rondavel/house via, the light of our headlamps then only "electricity" shining in St.Theresa on that warm summer evening.

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